How do you get Providers to attend training sessions? My favorite strategy was to bribe them with a meal – preferably Chik Fil A or the local Italian place, as they both proved to be the most popular. We tried other things too: reminders on desks, strongly-worded emails that included the word “mandatory”, and scheduling sessions into their clinic day to improve compliance.
Sometimes bribery worked, but all too often, it didn’t.
Of course, we all understand where Providers are coming from. They are very busy and often feel like they’re being pulled in so many directions that attending a training session can feel superfluous. However, effective training is often the difference between a well-used tool or system and a poorly used one.
If you’re reading this, the odds are that you’ve struggled with the same issue. So, how can we address this?
Some things must be done in person, but offering flexibility when possible is one of the most effective strategies I’ve used. With clinical applications in particular, providing that flexibility with virtual training is really helpful. Here are some reasons why:
- Providers can train on their own time. Trying to find that magical hour when several Providers are free can feel impossible. If they have an extra fifteen minutes at lunch, they can use that time to work through a training module or two. Do they prefer to work on training away from the office and all its distractions? Virtual training is perfect for that.
- Refreshing skills is easier. Anybody need a quick refresher? Rather than having to track someone down to re-train, virtual training allows the user to log in and complete a module again.
- Virtual training allows administrators to check on Providers and make sure that training is being completed.
At HybridChart, we understand how important flexible options for quick and effective training are. We can get Providers up and running with interactive virtual training, remote training sessions with a member of our Implementation team, or on-site training. Learn how you can improve workflow for your Providers today at HybridChart.