Scaling (Down) the Mountain: Reduced Paperwork Equals Gained Time

Close up of female doctor holding patient's hand

Does it feel like you are – quite literally – buried under mountains of paperwork these days? You’re not alone: Despite the “epic” (with a small AND capital e) evolution of electronic medical records, you’re still eyeball-deep in the kinds of administrative and menial tasks that keep you from pursuing your passion – healing patients! […]

Why Old Hospital Rounding Practices are a Hard Habit to Break

Smiling medical team

Old habits are hard to break – which is why it’s amazing to behold how much abuse we’ll sign on for in the interest of keeping the status quo. Though one could argue that the very adoption of the iDevice – the one in your hand right now, likely – represents the embrace of a […]

Breaking the Rounding Habits of Old Need Not Be an Impossibility

Stethoscope on smartphone

When it comes to habits, scientists have found something alarming: It can take up to nine months to break an old habit. Though it can be far less for recently acquired habits, for those proclivities that have been ingrained to the point that they’re part of our muscle memory, it can be an arduous task […]

Winning the Inpatient Census Battle Need Not Be All Consuming

The accounting staff of the company are jointly analyzing the graph of the expenses

Your productivity is under assault – mountains of paperwork are raining down on your practice, creating a barrier that’s standing between you and your passion for patient care. And there, atop the blockade, is the ultimate insult – inpatient census management, which stretches out like barbed wire. This continuing battle to manage your hospital-bound responsibilities […]

Making the Most of Each Minute: How to Maximize Productivity for Rounding Doctors

Staff In Busy Lobby Area

The ticking of the clock can represent both an opportunity and a struggle for today’s practicing physicians. The romantic view of a doctor’s role as a healer has been replaced with a much harsher reality: Mountains of paperwork, hours of data entry, and a struggle to reconcile the need to see patients with the administrative […]

Hospital Rounding, Made Simple: A New Approach to Workflow Management

Organize Your Practice: Rounding Workflow Management

Mention the phrase “hospital workflow management” to most physicians, and a wave of panic sets in. Between the unknowns of census management, the spotty nature of charge capture, and the dearth of software to manage the delicate dance that is hospital rounding, it’s easy to understand the instinct to “take two aspirin” and complete rounds […]

Work Together as a Team: HIPAA Compliant Handoffs for Busy Practices

Female Doctor using Smartphone in Office

Inpatient medicine is unique. Unlike the singular relationship between patient and provider in the office, hospitalized patients are often cared for by a team of doctors and APPs, sometimes changing on a daily basis. How are these providers to relay information to each other? With each day there is another chapter of a patient’s hospital […]

HybridChart Partners with athenahealth

HybridChart Partners with athenahealth

HybridChart is thrilled to announce its partnership with athenahealth, Inc., joining the company’s Marketplace program. As part of the athenahealth® Marketplace, the EVOLVE product by HybridChart is a newly integrated application now available to athenahealth’s growing network of healthcare providers. Using EVOLVE, physicians rounding at hospitals or other facilities can now easily capture charges at […]

Simple and Secure Messaging for Your Whole Practice

Secure Messaging App Screenshot

Long gone are the good old days of pagers and fax machines to help doctors and practices communicate (thank goodness). With the recognition of patient privacy needs and advancements in technology, there are now secure electronic options for messaging. Which should you choose? What do you really need? Privacy Is the Priority Providers and staff […]

No More Missed Charges: Work Smarter Not Harder

Close up focus on smartphone in young doctor hands.

You work hard as a medical provider taking care of patients. There are the countless hours interacting with nurses and families. Then comes the documentation, which seems to get more demanding with each passing year. To not receive compensation for your work is not an option. Yet somehow we have processes in place that do […]

Enough With All of the Paper: Mobile Charge Capture Will Change Your World

Charge Capture App Screenshot

The process of rounding at the hospital has been paper-based since the beginning of time. Providers print a list of patients, fold it neatly into their pocket, and proceed to venture from floor to floor of each hospital they cover. Along the way they diligently collect paper facesheets containing patient demographics and insurance information, once […]