Can Medical Software Really Understand Your World?

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It never surprises me when I see the look of horror in providers’ eyes when they hear that I’m there to introduce new technology/software to improve efficiency and communication in their practice. For years, the medical community has been promised tools and software that will make their practices more efficient and improve patient care. The truth is, most of the time it does the opposite. Most medical software is created with good intention, but by those who don’t truly understand the workflow of a physician or medical practice. The end result is a product that providers can’t stand but are forced to use, and that makes them even more inefficient than before.

But there’s no escaping new and upcoming medical technology. A recent survey done on new technology by the Harvard Business Journal shows “76% of respondents in the healthcare industry see disruption in the form of new technologies and new business models. And an even higher percentage (91%) see great opportunity lying ahead for health care because of the disruption offered by said new business models and technologies”. This excitement for opportunity is great in large part because the healthcare industry is behind other industries in implementing new technologies. However, the ability for these new technologies and models to be effective relies on ease of implementation and their ability to adapt to a provider’s work flow; not the other way around.

At HybridChart, we get it. Our tool was developed by Dr. Gregory Sanders, a practicing cardiologist who understands the limitations of current software and saw the need for a tool to make his practice more efficient and improve communication without disrupting workflow.

Round efficiently with a cloud-based census management, charge capture, secure messaging, discharge planning, and a data-gathering tool all in the palm of your hand.

Ready for friendly medical software? Learn more by clicking here


Dr. Gregory Sanders is a Harvard-trained, practicing cardiologist and founder and CEO of HybridChart. He has been coding since the 1980s and has spent his medical career focusing on improving processes. His patient care skills earned him recognition as one of Phoenix Magazine’s TOP DOCs. He lives in Scottsdale with his family.

Can Medical Software Really Understand Your World?

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