Unfairly Uncompensated: The Hidden Cost of Missed Charges for Physicians

Stethoscope and calculator

As a physician, you put in long hours and make sacrifices to provide top-quality care to your patients. But what if you’re not being fully compensated for all that hard work? Studies show that up to 80% of physicians don’t get paid for every hour worked. That’s a staggering statistic that should give you pause. […]

The Reality of Practicing Medicine in the 21st Century

Turning a power button reading Efficiency

Gone are the days when the role of a doctor was romanticized as a healer, now it has been replaced with mountains of paperwork, long hours of data entry, and a struggle to reconcile the need to see patients with administrative tasks that are necessary for the healthcare industry. A recent study by the National […]

Revamped Rounding for a Modern Era

HybridChart App Screen Shots

Breaking old habits is never an easy feat, especially when it comes to our professional lives. As a physician, you have likely developed a routine for your practice, influenced by your experiences, observations, and the environment in which you work. However, with the ever-evolving medical field, it’s important to adapt and modernize your approach. Enter […]

Bringing Workflow Software to Your Medical Practice: Overcoming Obstacles

Smiling medical team

Change can be daunting, and it’s natural to want to protect what’s perceived to be working. However, with outdated processes and inefficiencies plaguing the medical industry, it’s time to consider modernizing your practice with workflow software. In this blog, we’ll examine some of the common barriers to implementation and how to overcome them. Pain of […]

Efficient Charge Capture and More: The Benefits of HybridChart for Nephrologists

Charge Capture App Screenshot

Charge capture is a crucial aspect of a nephrologist’s work, as accurately documenting and billing for their services is essential for reimbursement and financial stability. That’s where HybridChart comes in as a mobile rounding and workflow solution that can help nephrologists stay organized and manage their workflows more efficiently. HybridChart’s charge capture tools allow nephrologists […]

Doctor Insecurity: How Apps Are Protecting Patient Data

Secure Messaging App Screenshot

We’re all guilty of it at one point or another: Unable to find our password and in a rush to send a quick note to a colleague, we open our smartphone messaging app and fire off that message. As that urgent missive makes its way through cyberspace, a cabal of hackers standby, waiting to snatch […]

HybridChart: The Comprehensive Mobile Rounding Workflow Solution for athenahealth Users

Smiling doctor looking down at his phone

Doctors who work with athenahealth need a mobile rounding workflow solution like HybridChart for several reasons. One of the key benefits of HybridChart is that it syncs seamlessly with the athenahealth electronic health record (EHR) system. This allows for patient visibility, which is critical for doctors who need to access patient information on the go. […]

Why HybridChart is an Essential Component of Any Modern Cardiology Practice

Stethoscope and Mobile Phone

As the healthcare industry continues to evolve, cardiologists face increasing challenges in managing their practices efficiently. They must keep track of patient data, communicate with other healthcare professionals, and ensure that they are capturing all charges accurately and completely. To meet these demands, many cardiologists are turning to mobile rounding workflow solutions like HybridChart to […]

HybridChart: A Game-Changer for Medical Practices’ Administrative Tasks

Paper pusher

Doctors are buried under mountains of paperwork and administrative tasks, leaving them with limited time for direct patient care. Despite the advancements in electronic medical records, processes such as hospital charge capture and census management still require manual recording, leading to a significant amount of time being spent on paperwork. A recent survey found that […]

Alleviate the Fear of Hospitals: Keep Your Patients from Getting Lost in the Shuffle

Discharge Planning App Screenshot

There’s a long and menacing-sounding word with which you may be unfamiliar: nosocomephobia. It’s defined as an intense fear of hospitals, and even the bravest souls likely experience some form of this phobia upon admission. The prospect of a hospital stay, we can agree, is an emotional experience for all patients – fears, phobias, stress, […]

Charge! Getting Paid Doesn’t Have to Be a Zero-Sum Game

Close up focus on smartphone in young doctor hands.

Unless you are making a purposeful contribution to charitable good works, it’s likely that you are not intending to work for free. Not getting compensated for your work is not only unfair, but it’s a dealbreaker when you consider the cost of turning on the lights, paying your staff, covering your malpractice insurance – and […]

Buried Under Paper: Physicians Digging Out from an Avalanche of Paperwork

Charge Capture App Screenshot

The average American uses 700 pounds of paper per year – a startling fact for anyone who has ever attempted to lift such a hefty load. For doctors who literally live and die by the sheet and ream, they often feel as if they’re actually carrying the weight of that paperwork on their shoulders. Each […]