Telehealth can Reduce Healthcare Costs and Increase 1:1 Time with Your Patient

Doctor with a stethoscope on the computer laptop screen

According to Definitive Health’s 2019 Annual Healthcare Trends Survey: 38% of Hospital Executives reported reducing operating expenses was their number one priority for 2019. The challenge is….how do we effectively reduce costs while at the same time, not compromise patient care?  I believe the answer is getting smarter at HOW and WHERE we provide great […]

Want to Lower Readmissions? Do These 6 Things Now.


Patients are getting lost between the in-patient and out-patient world.  This results in higher readmissions, sicker patients, and skyrocketing healthcare costs. Today, on average, the national rate for 30-day all-cause readmission is almost 15% (see Figure 1 below). Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), Center for Delivery, Organization, and Markets, Healthcare Cost and […]

Competence is a Ladder

How Understanding the Four Stages of Competence Can Improve the Way You Learn and Teach  In 2004, I started the University of Arizona’s Paramedic program. It was an intense program by any standard – sixty-four credit hours and hundreds of clinical hours in the space of nine months.  Despite a history of being of good student for whom academics came easily – or maybe because […]

Chaos and Disconnections: Modern Healthcare in America

Female doctor with head on desk

Healthcare has advanced in leaps and bounds over the past two decades. From imaging to robotics to novel pharmaceuticals to medical devices – we have seen innovation pave the way for the potential of better patient care. Yet with all of this forward thinking, the mechanics of practicing medicine have remained fragmented and inefficient. What […]

Overcoming the Complexity of Interoperability


For years, clinic practices, hospitals, surgery centers, urgent care, assisted living, nursing homes, etc., have operated in silos. You’re probably thinking, “Tell me something I don’t know!” Here we are in the era of technology, where there is an app for everything, and we still cannot track patients as they flow throughout our community healthcare […]

TOP 5 Reasons for Clinical Practices to GO PAPERLESS in 2019

Paper pusher

Going paperless is not just simply adopting an Electronic Medical Record.  This is just the first step, as your practice likely manages a ton of paper in other areas.  Paper truly impedes the overall goal of having an integrated and collaborative healthcare team. Many employees prefer paper.  You can touch it, refer to it, and […]

Purposeful Rounding with Automated Charge Capture

Rounding with a purpose.  Interesting,…tell me more. Heavy caseload.  Multiple hospitals.  Sick patients—some, very high risk.  Long hours.  Exhausted.  Missed dinners.  No relief in sight. Fast forward. You adopt a mobile charge capture solution that automatically sends charges to your biller and billing staff because missed charges mean lost revenue – for the work you […]

Charge Capture and Modern Rounding Solutions

young doctor holding cell phone

I remember the days when writing “Agree with above” in the paper chart was enough to satisfy the clinical documentation gods. Those were simpler times. A modern clinical practice has become more complicated – not just with documentation requirements. Demands on medical providers who are caring for an aging population have increased exponentially. Balancing office […]

Hospital Charge Capture Best Practices for Doctors

iPhone screenshot for Charge Capture

Most specialist doctors spend their days solving complex health problems on a fixed time budget, with limited resources and inefficient tools. Ironically and stunningly, they spend more time at a computer than they do with their patients. Imagine a world where physicians spend less time on the process of seeing patients and more time with […]

Health Futures—Taking Stock in You with Dr. Greg Sanders Host Bob Roth

Health Futures Podcast Photo

On Friday, November 23rd, Dr. Sanders had the opportunity to sit down with Bob Roth and discuss HybridChart and the state of healthcare in America. Health Futures—Taking Stock in You invites healthcare innovators and leaders to participate in their radio talk show airing LIVE on Fridays at noon. Bob, the host and managing partner of […]